Host family (price per night)

Living with a Spanish family has many advantages!

Our accommodation programme gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself in Spanish daily life and the chance to practice Spanish and improve your vocabulary and pronunciation. You’ll be able to enjoy a relaxed and sociable environment with the independence of having your own key.

Our host families are committed to providing you with a warm and welcoming atmosphere during your stay. You’ll share their day-to-day life, get up close with their culture and traditions, and create special bonds that will endure over time.

Decide whether you prefer accommodation with half-board (breakfast and dinner) or full-board (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), and discover the traditional flavors of Murcia with our host families.

Make your stay in Murcia an unforgettable memory and discover how direct contact with local families will enrich your understanding of the language and allow you to make the most of your adventure abroad.

Host family (price per night)

37,00 46,00 

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