The turing scheme

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Instituto Hispánico de Murcia - The turing scheme

The Turing Scheme is the UK government’s global program to study and work abroad. It is called after the English mathematician Alan Turing and it replaces the old program of Erasmus+, which after the Brexit doesn’t provide the destination of the UK anymore. Furthermore, just like the Erasmus+, the Turing Scheme provides scholarships for those who participate in international opportunities in education and training across the world.

Supporting the government’s Global Britain objectives, the Turing Scheme unlocks the opportunity for UK organizations to offer life-changing experiences across the world for their students, learners, and pupils.

This support enables organizations to provide opportunities for teachers, apprentices, and pupils to learn new skills, obtain valuable foreign experience, and improve their employability. They can also develop their soft skills, language abilities, and comprehension of other cultures.

Who can participate?

Higher education

To apply for HE projects, the participants must be:

  • students (in any study cycle) or recent graduates (within 12 months of graduating)

Further education and vocational education and training

To take part in a FE and VET project, the participants must be: 

  • FE learners
  • VET learners, including apprentices
  • recent graduates of a VET provider (within 12 months of graduating)
  • an individual not in permanent education or training, who may be re-training or upskilling, if their training is taking place through a college or school


To take part in schools projects, the participants must be:  

  • pupils or students registered at a school in the UK or a British Overseas Territory

Why would it be a great idea to participate? Participants can acquire transferable skills, gain valuable foreign experience, and expand their horizons by receiving funding to study or work abroad. Living some time alone in a foreign country will help you grow cultural sensitivity and open-mindedness. It will also look fantastic on their resume, allowing them to stand out in the global job market and increase their employability. Students would return more inspired, self-assured, and self-assured, having developed their language skills and made foreign friends. What are you waiting for?

source: UK government 

Instituto Hispánico de Murcia | Spanish courses in Spain 

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