Spanish courses for Bildungsurlaub and Bildungszeit
Boost your company's development by improving your Spanish
We offer accredited Spanish courses for Bildungsurlaub (or Bildungszeit in some German states). If your company is looking for opportunities to train its employees and foster their professional development, our courses feature experienced and dynamic teachers, up-to-date materials, and flexible schedules.
Take advantage of this unique opportunity to invest in the growth of your team and company!
Other schools provide Spanish courses. We offer experiences!
Spanish classes for Bildungsurlaub and Bildungszeit
Taxes included
€ 39 inscription fee and € 37 first batch of books.
- Lessons / week: 30
- 1 lesson:50 minutes
- Starting Dates:first and second Monday of each month throughout the year.
- Levels:from A1 to C1
- No. of students:min. 1, max. 9
- Certificate
This Spanish course for Bildungsurlaub (or Bildungszeit in other German states) offers a unique opportunity for German workers who wish to improve their Spanish skills. Improve your Spanish in a recognized language course related to your work!nivel de español. ¡Mejora tu español en un curso de idiomas reconocido y relacionado con el trabajo!
We have over 20 years of experience in the language world and extensive experience with Bildungsurlaub programs. It is also known as “Bildungszeit,” “Bildungsfreistellung,” or “Arbeitnehmerweiterbildung” in other federal states of Germany.
It is a personalized course in terms of dates and content, focusing on improving comprehension and use of Spanish, as well as acquiring cultural and social knowledge. The course is taught in a relaxed and friendly environment, with an emphasis on practice and interaction.
You will have the opportunity to improve your listening comprehension, speak fluently, and write accurately. Additionally, you will gain a deep understanding of Spanish culture and its customs. This special course also includes fun and practical activities to help you improve your understanding and use of Spanish.
By the end of it, you will have a better understanding of the Spanish language and greater confidence in communicating in Spanish.
Ah, and remember that our language courses are recognized by most German states.
What Spanish levels are taught in the course?
The Spanish course for Bildungsurlaub or Bildungszeit offers classes for all levels, from beginner to advanced. Since it is a personalized course in terms of dates and content, you can choose the level that best suits your needs and skills.
Just let us know what you need. You can start anytime throughout the year, as long as you notify us in advance so we can arrange it with the German state where you are applying.
¿What does exactly mean Bildungsurlaub or Bildungszeit?
There are countries that, by law, grant their workers the right to educational leave. The German Bildungsurlaub and the French Compte Personnel de Formation can be used to take part in a language immersion programme.
Literally, it means educational leave. It is the legal right for employees to enjoy paid time off from work in order to participate in recognized continuing education events. This means an approved leave of absence from the employer for educational studies that contribute to employee training and development.
German employees have the right to 5 days off each year to study at a recognized school while still receiving their salary.
What do I need to do to apply for this Spanish course for Bildungsurlaub or Bildungszeit?
First, it’s important that you speak with your employer to see if they can accept your proposal. After that, contact us to coordinate the dates and content of the course. Keep in mind that we need to request the training approval well in advance, at least 12 weeks before the planned course date.
What is the course program?
Here is an example of the content, objectives, and methodology of a sample course. Remember, we will design one specifically for you:
What are the criteria for a Spanish school to be accredited?
The criteria vary greatly from one federal state to another. In general, the minimum requirements are to offer a course with at least 30 lessons per week, provide clear objectives, content, and a detailed schedule.
Some German states require a separate application for each level and each language school destination, while others accept all levels and destinations from a language school. In other states, in addition to the language course, some lessons in local political education may be required.
How can you benefit from the approval of Bildungsurlaub or Bildungszeit?
The Instituto Hispánico de Murcia has already been added to the list of officially recognized Spanish schools, so German workers can receive paid leave to study at our school.
Employees are entitled to 5 days of leave per year or ten days every two consecutive years for education, professional development, or qualification for voluntary work.
Training leave is, therefore, an attractive and current tool to meet the demands of lifelong learning and represents an important competitive and location factor for German companies.

How can you apply for this training?
Your bosses should care about your personal development, so you’ll need to talk to them and explain that improving your Spanish, immersing yourself in another culture, and meeting new people will have a much more positive impact than typical corporate training sessions and team-building exercises.
Generally, to enroll, you must present the course programme and schedule to your boss or the human resources department. In order to send you the correct documents, we first need to assess your Spanish language skills.
If you’re unsure about your level, you can take our Spanish level test—either in person or online—so we can place you in the right group. Once you have registered and paid the course fee, we can provide you with a personal enrollment certificate, which you may need for your employer.
What benefits does Bildungsurlaub or Bildungszeit offer?
Here are some of the benefits, although there are many more:
- You will have the opportunity to enjoy a Spanish course in Murcia that perfectly fits your job.
- You will improve your language skills.
- You can work at the same time.
- It is an investment in personal development.
- It will make the company more competitive.
- It will enhance the company’s cultural awareness.
- It is super easy to organize.
- It will make you a more attractive candidate.
And don’t forget that your company’s competitors are also enrolling their employees in these courses!
Why take these courses at Instituto Hispánico de Murcia?
Through excellent service and a wide range of sports and social activities, this course is designed for all students who want to experience Spanish life as if they were native speakers.
Our Spanish courses for Bildungsurlaub or Bildungszeit are designed for the practical application of the language. The goal is to help you develop the four language skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing) through teaching methods that focus primarily on communicative exercises.
It is important to emphasize that you will have our full availability, assistance, and support throughout the course, both in learning Spanish and in adapting to the city and Spanish culture.
And remember that our school is or has been recognized at some point by most educational departments in the German states.
Frequently Asked Questions about BILDUNGSURLAUB
The first thing you need to do is talk to your employer to see if they accept your proposal. Next, contact us to set the dates and course content. Keep in mind that we need to apply for the training approval well in advance, at least 12 weeks before the course start date.
The Spanish course for Bildungszeit or Bildungsurlaub offers classes for all levels, from beginner to advanced. You can choose the level that best suits your specific needs and Spanish skills.
The Spanish course for Bildungsurlaub or Bildungszeit costs €575 per week and a €39 registration fee at our school. These fees include the cost of the training approval application by the corresponding German state, which in some cases is over €100. You won’t have to pay anything else.