Spanish course for CSN Swedish students

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Instituto Hispánico de Murcia - Spanish course for CSN Swedish students

Under the CSN (Centrala studiestödsnämnden) funding scheme, we offer our 20 or 30 lesson Spanish courses. Keep reading for further details on loans and Spanish courses.

SWEDISH STUDENT LOANS – minimum requirements (for accurate info please go to the CSN website).

The minimum requirements for consideration for CSN funding are as follows:

  • You are eligible to apply for student aid up until the age of 56. However, according to CSN, “your right to take out a loan will be limited from the year that you turn 47”.
  • The minimum age requirement is 20.
  • You must be studying at the very least on a half-time basis.
  • The course must last more than 3 weeks. If you are a foreign citizen you must “meet the requirements for the right to Swedish student finance according to Swedish regulations or rank in the same category as a Swedish citizen according to EU law.”
  • “If you are seeking asylum and have never had a residence permit in Sweden, you are not entitled to student finance.”
  • Depending on criteria, Swedish citizens and EU/EEA citizens who have a permanent right of residence in Sweden can receive student finance if studying abroad.


  • Arrange a strategy call with IH Murcia.
  • Students apply for grants and loans through CSN’s “My Pages” section (Mina sidor) here.
  • Applications can be made at any time.
  • E-Identification is required for application through their website.
  • A personal code can be used, but these applications take longer as they have to be done through the postal system.
  • Applications will require attachments such as; proof of admission, proof of tuition fees, and study periods.
  • Download certificate of admission to a language course here.
  • The application process takes between 3 and 5 weeks, according to CSN. This is after an acceptance letter and a start date has been received from Instituto Hispánico de Murcia.


These courses will be held in small groups and provide you with the opportunity to enjoy your free time in the afternoon and at weekends. Classes offer general Spanish tuition focussed on oral activities but where all competencies are covered, including pronunciation and understanding Spanish culture. They will be taught exclusively in Spanish, in a relaxed atmosphere, under the supervision of friendly teachers specialized in teaching Spanish as a foreign language.

Lessons will encourage you to communicate and discuss with other students and meet real Spanish people. Due to a mix of Spanish lessons and your daily life in Murcia, this course effectively combines cultural and language immersion.

At the end of the course, in accordance with the guidelines of the Swedish CSN scheme, you will sit a formal graded exam in our school. You will be issued with a certificate stating the level achieved.

Having the same structure, content and timetable as our Intensive Spanish course, this course runs from 13 weeks to a whole academic year, and will prepare you to be fluent in a Spanish speaking world.

Our Spanish courses are structured into 6 main teaching levels according to the Instituto Cervantes curriculum plan and the CFER of the Council of Europe: from beginner level A1 to advanced level C2.

These are designed for: csn spanish course spain

  • University students who, before, during or after starting their University studies want to learn Spanish abroad for a term or semester.
  • University or college students who take a gap year abroad.
  • Students who want to access the University in Spain and need to improve their Spanish language competence.
  • Young professionals who want to attend a Master Degree programme or MBA programme in Spain.

To sum up:

  • Starting dates: every Monday (for true beginners, please contact us)
  • Length: from 13 weeks to a whole academic year.
  • Number of lessons: 20 per week.
  • Levels: all.
  • Max class number: 10 students; minimum 2 students.
  • Class times: from 10 h. to 13.30 h. (subject to variation)

why study with us?

Special reduced prices

Our school in Murcia offers special reduced prices for CSN students. Please contact us for further information and don´t forget to read our general conditions on bookings & prices. Remember there is a €39 inscription fee and €37 course material in all courses. All taxes included.

Weeks Lessons Euros
minimum 13 260 1300
extra week 20 100



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csn spanish course spain

Contact us for more details!

Instituto Hispánico de Murcia | CSN courses for Swedish students

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